Show Your Support

Make your voice heard and have your say!


Tell the Ministry for Primary Industries that New Zealand pig farmers deserve a level playing field.

Let them know you want a thriving New Zealand pork sector. Complete the submission form below. Don’t delay, consultation on these changes ends on 8 July 2022.


Take Action

Back New Zealand pig farmers - email the Ministry for Primary Industries

Key points you can make: 

  • State that you support a thriving New Zealand pork sector and want imported pork to be required to meet the same welfare and environmental standards as New Zealand born and raised pork

  • I support NZPork’s submission on the draft welfare code

  • If you’re a pig farmer, or the proposals will impact your business - please state so

  • Give your reasons for making this submission: is your livelihood dependent on New Zealand pig farming? Do you want to be able to buy New Zealand born and raised pork in future?

  • Mention that it is not in the best interests of piglets to completely eliminate the use of farrowing crates

  • Farrowing crates are specifically designed and proven to significantly reduce the main causes of piglet deaths such as starvation, hypothermia and being accidentally crushed by the sow. These and other causes of piglet mortality are welfare issues. NAWAC has failed to adequately consider the welfare impacts of piglet mortality

  • State no country has completely banned the use of farrowing sow confinement

  • State that by assigning a prescriptive minimum weaning age, NAWAC takes no account of the variation in piglet weight for age between farms, differences in weaner accommodation, nutrition, and management

  • If a minimum weaning age is set, this removes the current ability to make decisions around weaning that may be in the best interests of a sow, leading to negative welfare outcomes for both sow and piglets

  • State that the proposals for increasing the minimum space allowance required for grower pigs are not supported by animal welfare science and could result in worse welfare outcomes on many farms

  • Say the proposals would result in much more frequent movements of pigs and frequent mixing of pigs of different ages and sizes to regularly adjust stocking rates on farm. This would impose unnecessary stress and reduce the welfare of our pigs

  • Say that NAWAC has acknowledged that moving and mixing pigs more often would have adverse welfare outcomes

  • Experts in pig health, production and welfare have advised that increasing the current minimum space allowance for growing pigs is justified. NZPork supports an increase to grower space, but not to the extent NAWAC has recommended

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