Unequal Standards
New Zealand pig farmers care about the welfare of their animals.
Our pork sector has high welfare standards compared to many other countries, but particularly those who export pork to New Zealand. We also have more rigorous health and environmental requirements.
Overseas, some pig farmers routinely castrate all male piglets, often without pain relief. In New Zealand, this procedure is rarely ever carried out, and if it is, only a veterinarian can do so and mandatory pain relief is required.
Gestation stalls for pregnant sows are banned in New Zealand. The EU allows the stalls for the first 28 days of pregnancy and most states in the US still use them for the entirety of a sow’s pregnancy.
We are puzzled why the Government believes it is a good idea to impose welfare standards not based on sound science and far removed from those in the rest of the world.
Consumers who buy 100% New Zealand pork can be confident that it comes from pigs born and raised using high animal welfare standards and sustainable farming practices.
More than 95% of the commercial pork produced in New Zealand now carries the PigCare certified label – assuring Kiwis that the pork they choose comes from pigs born and raised right here in New Zealand to our high standards of welfare.
PigCare™ is the only whole of industry, expertly verified and audited standard in the primary production sector.
The programme integrates New Zealand’s already high animal welfare standards with a focus on farmer care, knowledge and experience when it comes to providing for their animals’ health and wellbeing.